Intro to Arduino - Workshop Session 2

Welcome to the third session of the Intro to Arduino - Mech-Elec workshop of the Innovation Design Society!

In this one, we’ll be introducing a very basic Ardunio project to students interested in getting started with Arduino electronic prototyping. We assume absolutely no previous experience at all so join along!

By the end of the session you should be able to:

  • Understand the potential of Arduino Prototyping
  • Use the Ardunio IDE to write/understand the basics of a Arduino language/C++ script and its control power over the board’s internal electronics components.
  • Understand and prototype with servos, buttons, breadboards, jumper wires to build a basic servo controller.
  • Not blow anything up.

Signups are on a first-register/attend-in-time basis and spaces are limited to 18 people - and we’re using the tickets to keep track - the event is absolutely free of course. The first 18 people who’ve got a free register ticket have a guaranteed spot if they arrive within the first 10 mins of the session, if not their spot will be available to the other post-cap attendees. If the events are popular, we’ll run more sessions so don’t worry - it will only be another day!

Alternative Sessions Proposals

Resources for the Workshop: Intro to Arduino - Overall View of Arduino Potential - Install IDE on the computer or Online - Servo Wiring - Servo-Button-Ardunino Controller Tutorial -

The Details


13:00 - 14:00

MVB Hackspace


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