CSSxBoeing Hackathon 2019

The CSSxBoeing Hackathon is back!

// SIGNUP //


  • Teams of up to 6 people
  • Not got anyone to work with or a full team? No worries. Just indicate that you’d like to be matched with others and we’ll sort out the rest

// RULES/HEALTH & SAFETY // http://bit.ly/csshack19-rules

// THEME // Our theme this year is Wellbeing & Safety ❤️🏃🏽‍♀️

The prizes will be awarded in three categories:

Mental Health

  • Experiment with ways to supplement mental health issues.


  • Use various APIs (such as Google Fit’s) or build a physical peripheral to help with fitness.


  • Create something to promote and aid health & safety.

The Details


13:00 - 15:00

MVB Atrium


Get a ticket here

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