Blazor & Web Assembly | Ghyston

Blazor is a new framework from Microsoft for building client-side web applications. So what makes it special, compared to all the other front-end frameworks out there? Blazor has a unique feature: you write the code in C#, which runs in the browser using WebAssembly – no need to write any Javascript!

In this talk, I’ll introduce you to WebAssembly, and show how it allows running non-Javascript code directly in the browser. I’ll demonstrate how we can use Blazor to create rich client applications on top of WebAssembly, and dig into why you might choose to use Blazor compared to traditional Javascript UI frameworks.

Charles is a technical lead at Ghyston, a bespoke software development company based here in Bristol.


Join us for the talk on Microsoft teams


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The Details


16:00 - 17:00



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