Privacy, Mass-surveillance, and Cryptography

Dr Chloe Martindale is giving a talk on Cryptography this Wednesday at 2pm! “We will discuss mass-surveillance and its effect on our privacy, as well as think about some of the real-life consequences of losing aspects of our privacy. We will then show how some mathematical tools from cryptography try to solve some of these issues, by returning the control of one’s data to the individual. Finally, we’ll talk about how the solutions that we have are far from perfect.”

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Dr Chloe Martindale is a researcher in post-quantum cryptography, which is cryptography designed to withstand the looming threat of scalable quantum computers. She is also interested in increasing public awareness of the necessity and availability of high-standard encryption techniques, which she contributes to through her role as an expert on the international board of internet standards IETF. She has been a Lecturer at the University of Bristol since November 2019, and before coming to Bristol she worked at Eindhoven University of Technology, Leiden University, and the University of Bordeaux. She also enjoys playing the piano, singing, and sharing cat pictures with her students.

The Details


14:00 - 15:00



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Hosted with:

  • Dr Chloe Martindale

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